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Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss

The focus of Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss is on improving digestion, balancing the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), and enhancing general well-being. Through a holistic approach, Ayurveda aims to address the root causes of weight gain by focusing on dietary modifications, herbal supplements, detoxification techniques, and lifestyle changes. By restoring harmony and optimizing metabolic functions, Kerala’s Ayurvedic treatments offer a natural and sustainable path to weight management.

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of the modern age. Continuous indulgence in high-fat, fried foods and leading a sedentary lifestyle can result in the excessive accumulation of fat in the body, blocking various body channels. Hypertension, diabetes, improper digestion, and obesity increase metabolic diseases. It can affect social life too. Being overweight if not controlled, can lead to obesity.

Numerous weight loss techniques have infiltrated the market. Ayurveda weight loss treatment has long-term benefits for the body and psyche.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatment

Ayurveda states that an imbalance in the five elements and the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) causes weight growth. Dosha imbalance prohibits diet and exercise from reducing obesity.

Ayurvedic weight management focuses on how our digestive system processes food and how the liver affects anabolic metabolism, which causes Kapha and Ama (toxins from food and drinks) to accumulate. Underweight persons build ama, while overweight ones have Kapha imbalances.

Deep, dry herbal powder and paste massages, synchronized massage with specialized oils, and herbal steam baths mobilize fat. Special diet and yoga programs avoid its accumulation. Experts prescribe appropriate panchakarma therapy.

The first stage, known as the Pre-Preparatory stage, involves a treatment called Rookshana, which aims to decrease Kapha and increase Vata dosha. This procedure helps improve metabolism, reduce heaviness, and prepare the body for the next stage of snehanam.

Poorva Karma – Preparatory Stage

In this stage, the body is prepared for the removal of toxins through two methods namely snehana, where the body is isolated internally and externally, and swedana, where the body undergoes therapeutic sweating.  Depending on the medical condition and Doshas, the vaidya will determine the course of the cleansing process.

Snehana : This is the oleation or oiling process, where medicated oils or ghee (clarified butter) are applied externally to the body. It helps to loosen and mobilize toxins and impurities, making them easier to eliminate during the subsequent steps.

Internal oleation : The body is made unctuous internally through drinking medicated ghee (clarified butter ).  This help to loosen and move the toxins toward the gastrointestinal tract.

External Oleation: The body is massaged with medicated oil to make it unctuous or oily externally. This too aids in the removal of toxins.

Swedana:  The body undergoes therapeutic sweating based on each individual’s dominant dosha or body constitution and medical condition.

Pradhana Karma – Main Purification Stage

Pradhana karma includes cleansing of the body. Ayurvedic shodhana (pradhana karma) means eradication. This step cleanses the body of poisons from the root. This cleanse corrects hormonal imbalances and cellulite.

This stage includes treatments like:

Virechana – Therapeutic purgation.

Nasya – Nasal Cleansing.

Vamana – Therapeutic vomiting.

Kashayavasthi –  Medicated Enema.

Snehavasthi – Medicated enema with oil.

Paschatya Karma – Final Stage

This is the final stage of Panchakarma treatment . The physician prescribes the patient with moderate-intensity treatments to maintain the beneficial effects of the whole cleansing procedure. To sustain treatment advantages, the doctor advises the right food and lifestyle.

Panchakarma Treatment for Weight Loss

Panchakarma is a special way to lose extra weight that has been designed keeping in mind the total human being and in Ayurveda. Kerala Ayurvedic weight loss packages of which Panchakarma is a special one are also dedicated to the expulsion of toxins and impurities from the body. The ancient treatment works in two ways. It promotes prosperous health on the one hand and reverses the process that allows toxins to circulate from the digestive tract into other tissues on the other hand.

The treatment of Panchakarma by weight decrease incorporates five characteristic treatments: Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya, and Rakta Moksha. These ways detox the body, tune the body’s natural fire, or Agni, letting it clear out the toxins on a cellular level, and preventing their resurfacing.  Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss is efficient in helping the body regain its natural digestive function, which in turn supports long-term weight control. 

 AyurWakeup Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Kerala

AyurWakeup is leading ayurveda & yoga retreat in Kerala, India is a leading center for Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight loss (Obesity) in Kerala, India.

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