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Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS in Kerala

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disturbance affecting women between 15 to 30 years of age.  PCOS is a condition where a hormonal imbalance affects follicular growth during the ovarian cycle causing the affected follicles to remain in the ovary. The retained follicle forms into a cyst and with each ovarian cycle a new cyst is formed leading to multiple ovarian cysts.  Women suffering from PCOS often present with other associated symptoms including hirsutism – excessive body hair, menstrual disturbances, acne, and obesity. Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS in Kerala, it’s important to choose a reputable Ayurvedic center or practitioner with experience in treating hormonal disorders. They should have proper certifications and a good reputation. Additionally, inform your healthcare provider about any Ayurvedic treatments you are undergoing to ensure a coordinated and safe approach to managing your health.

The Ayurvedic Approach to PCOS Treatment

Ayurveda holds that three “doshas”—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—circulate throughout the body and support vital activities. In healthy individuals, all three doshas are in perfect harmony. According to Ayurveda, any imbalance in the three forces of energy can lead to diseases.

Ayurvedic texts mention the presence of Shukra dhatu (semen) in both men and women. Shukra dhatu plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the reproductive system. Shukra dhatu is like a mix of the male hormone androgen and the female hormone estrogen. Any imbalance in Shukra dhatu can cause infertility. An imbalance in the doshas can affect the efficiency of the Shukra dhatu. When “doshas” affect the efficiency of the Shukra dhatu in women, it leads to excess production of male hormones and other symptoms of PCOS such as the appearance of cysts in the ovaries. 

Ayurvedic treatment has a holistic approach to the management of PCOS. Instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy, PCOS patients receive individualized treatments. Such a personalized approach helps in re-balancing the hormones naturally. Ayurvedic therapy focuses on balancing tissue nutrition, rectifying the imbalance of dosha-bio-energies that govern the body, and boosting metabolism. Ayurvedic therapies also help in gradual and wholesome weight loss, reduce hair, and facial hair growth, and reduce acne.

PCOS Symptoms: Understanding the Condition

Before getting into the possibilities that Ayurvedic remedies have for PCOS, it is highly significant to be familiar with the various symptoms the condition presents. Some common PCOS symptoms are:

  • Irregular or missed periods
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Excessive hair growth on the face and body
  • Thinning hair on the scalp
  • Mood swings and depression
  • Difficulty conceiving

How to Cure PCOS Ayurvedic Way: The Holistic Approach

For those who want to know, how to cure PCOS Ayurvedic way? The answer you need to recognize that there is no one fit for all the ways provided by Ayurveda. Actually, what it does, it gives a person his or her constitutional balance and decides on the basis of that the healing process which consists of the use of herbs, yoga, meditation, and diet plan. The most effective herbs used in PCOS Ayurvedic cure include:

  • Ashwagandha: Known for balancing hormones and reducing stress.
  • Shatavari: A powerful female reproductive tonic that helps regulate menstrual cycles.
  • Turmeric: With its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric helps in managing insulin resistance.
  • Cinnamon: Known to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels.

Why Choose PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala?

One attracts attention towards PCOS Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala its natural and holistic approach. The tropical climate and the high level of biodiversity in Kerala allow to the production of powerful medicinal herbs that are used in the Ayurvedic therapies. By using these herbs together with massages that would detoxify, personalized diets, and meditative practices, the aim to treat PCOS from its root cause is achieved.

Embracing a Natural Path to Healing PCOS

One of the most important steps to healing PCOS is a journey that is extremely intimate and is often felt by overwhelmed individuals. Nevertheless, by implementing the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda, women are able to discover a natural, ecological path to their controling condition. Kerala, which is a place of Ayurvedic culture, is the place where some of the most efficient PCOS treatments are available. The herbal supplements used in PCOS Ayurvedic treatment has proved to be enough therapeutics to all the people that have picked such lifestyle modification. There is a lot of Ayurveda enriched with the techniques of diet, and This holistic approach of lifestyle management decreases the possibility of occurrence of severe PCOS symptoms.

2 thoughts on “Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS in Kerala

  1. Best Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala India| A legacy of 5 generations
    Ayurveda in Kerala has been a well-preserved gem overcoming all the difficulties. The Kerala Ayurveda had evolved into Ayurvedic centre that can host guest from all over the world in a very acceptable to everyone standards. A science so sacred, that only the Authentic Doctors or centres can survive in this divine program. Only the best Ayurvedic centre will be able to pass on the knowledge to the next generation.
    A five Generations old Ayurvedic family runs Dheemahi Ayurvedic centre. Consists of a panel of Doctors having the 4th and 5th generation of Doctors. Dr Gireesh, our 4th generation Doctor, is the one who envisioned the need for transforming the demand for Authentic Ayurveda from household science to forming the centre of excellence best Ayurvedic centres. He implemented all possible modernization without losing its Authenticity.
    From medicine formulations and preparations in the dheemahi owned GMP cerified herbal pharmacy to the selection of organic vegetables and fruits we always keep the best Ayurveda center standards.

  2. Best Ayurveda Hospital in India
    for Panchakarma treatment Dr.Jyothi B.A.M.S

    Ayurveda indeed emphasizes a holistic approach to health, considering various aspects beyond just the absence of disease. It takes into account the balance of doshas (biological energies), proper functioning of Dhatus (tissues), healthy Agni ( digestive fire) and normal Malakriya (elimination). Additionally, it acknowledges the importance of a Prasanna Atma (content soul), balanced Indriya ( sensory organs), and a tranquil Manas (mind) in achieving overall well-being. This holistic perspective is a fundamental principle of Ayurvedic medicine, which helps one to cure from the core inside.
    What Is Panchakarma?
    The word Panchakarma is derived from two words: Pancha, which means five, while Karma means procedure and is five treatments that include curative, preventive and promotive actions for various diseases. Some acharyas also use the word Pancha Shodana ( five purificatory), which means five purificatory therapy.
    Acharya Charaka and Vagbhata consider the following as Panchakarma’s;
    Vamana– Emesis
    Virechana– purgation therapy
    Niruha vasti- enema with decoction
    Anuvasana vasti– enema with oil
    Nasya– nasal instillation.
    While, according to Susrutha Acharya – Father of surgery in Ayurveda, since he deals with surgery, he has given an equal importance to blood along with the Tridoshas, so he has included Raktamokshana (bloodletting procedure) to eliminate the vitiated blood as one among the Panchakarma.
    Vamana – Emesis Treatment
    In this treatment, the accumulated toxins are removed by means of vomiting. The person is made to vomit by giving medicines called Vamanaushada. Vamana treatment is usually indicated in Kapha dosha imbalance diseases.
    Vamana is performed in two ways mainly:-
    Sadhyo Vamana– instant therapeutic vomiting
    Purvakarmayukta Vamana/ Vamana– therapeutic Vomiting.
    Here, Sadhyo Vamana is a one-day procedure in which the patient is administered with Kashayam (Decoction) or milk in order to induce vomiting and expel the doshas and toxins from the body.
    Classical Vamana is a collaborative effort where a patient must go through various procedure phases. Like snehapanam, svedanam, samsarjana karma etc.,
    So, this procedure takes around 15 to 18 days to complete. The days depend on the disease’s condition and the patient’s digestive fire.
    Generally, it takes around 15 to 18 days to complete the procedure.
    Now let’s see the phases a patient undergoes while Vamana;

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