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Asthma ayurvedic treatment in Kerala

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease which causes the lining of the airways to become swollen and inflamed, the smooth muscles of the airways to tighten, and in many cases the production of thick, sticky mucus. These airway changes make breathing harder. Many asthmatics only experience symptoms during an acute “attack” induced by pollen, dust mites, exertion (particularly in cold, dry weather), a cold, or virus.Ayurvedic Asthma Treatment in Kerala offers a natural and holistic approach to managing asthma. Ayurveda uses ancient wisdom and specialised techniques to treat asthma, improve lung function, and improve respiratory health.

Understanding Asthma and Its Symptoms

Asthma falls under’swasa roga’ in Ayurveda.Vata imbalance in the respiratory system makes breathing difficult, alone or with Kapha. Vata dries the mucous, making it thick and sticky. As with other disorders, ama increases this heaviness, stickiness, and predisposition for inflammation.

‘Shodana’ or purification is Ayurveda’s initial treatment for swas rog. This treatment expels the excess doshas from their sites of accumulation. This treats the condition at a deep level and decreases the chance of recurrence.

Shodhana: Shodhana is the purpose of panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment. This removes poisons from the body.

Snehana: The body or the affected areas are first both internally and externally lubricated.

Swedana: Steaming afflicted areas does this. Reduces inflammation. Sandbag fomentation is advised in ‘Amavata’.

Virechana: Oral or herbal purgation causes it. Virechana eliminates ‘ama’. Cleansing the bowel helps medicines absorb and assimilate.

Vasthi: This is accomplished by administering a botanical enema. It is helpful in chronic cases.

Shamana Chikitsa: Ayurveda’s proven foods, treatments, and lifestyles do it.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma in Kerala

Kerala is a destination that has a long Ayurveda therapy tradition and therefore, the asthma treatment with Ayurveda medicine is the top-notch here. Kerala offers a peaceful place for the sick to recover themselves; healthy energy is free to flow. One of the reasons why you are in the hands of the best practitioners and so will be put beneath the longest and the most authentic Ayurvedic practices.

Asthma is an airway problem which is being commonly faced by many people in the world. It is a situation in which the walls of the airways become inflamed, swell, and produce excess mucus which restricts the air coming in and out of the lungs, causing shortness of breath and other symptoms. Although asthma is a life-threatening condition it can be controlled effectively and the life quality of the affected person can be significantly changed. The most common symptoms of asthma such as breath that whistles or makes noise, shortness of breath, feeling relatively limited in the chest, and constant coughing make it clear to the doctor who you have an asthma attack and therefore he can tell you’re correctly with stealth 

Childhood Asthma and Ayurvedic Solutions

Parents who are in search for Ayurvedic treatment of childhood asthma should actually be glad as we have developed an approach which is very gentle but simultaneously it is a 100% effective method. Our target is to from one side enhance the kid’s lung health by beneficial and secure ways as well as on the opposite, rid them of negative influences to their body. Our principles are guiding the treatments to maximize their results, improving the state of the whole body and to reduce anxiety and irritation in the child due to asthma.

AyurWakeup Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Kerala

AyurWakeup is leading ayurveda & yoga retreat in Kerala, India is a leading center for asthma ayurvedic treatment in kerala

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